With his sweeping action to protect 5 million people from deportation -- a move that dominates Page 1 of The Record today -- President Obama has reminded us we live in a nation of immigrants.
As for Governor Christie, he refuses to be pinned down to his own reform plan in the unlikely event he gets the Republican presidential nomination (A-1).
Of course, the GOP bully and do-nothing Republicans in Congress likely are racists whose only desire is to close U.S. borders.
If Obama can be faulted, it is in waiting until after the November elections to take action, fearing it would hurt Democrats' chances.
If the candidates could be faulted, it was in distancing themselves from Obama and the Affordable Care Act.
Nothing could have saved those candidates from voter apathy and Republican attack ads, and The Record and other media didn't bother to expose the lies in those ads.
Better timing
Also on Page 1 today, Staff Writer Bill Ervolino shows unusual restraint in writing the obituary of the incredibly talented Mike Nichols, and doesn't mention himself until deep into the continuation page (A-1 and A-4).
I'm waiting for the day when newspaper editors like the great Martin Gottlieb ask one of their medical writers to do a sidebar on the cause of death -- cardiac arrest in Nichols' case.
Local crime news
There are at least 10 crime stories and accident photos in today's Local news section (L-1, L-2 and L-3).
Two other stories are about the police.
What would head Assignment Editor Deirdre Sykes and her deputy, Dan Sforza, run if they couldn't use the police blotter as their crutch?
Our misfortune
Staff Writer Elisa Ung admits Imperial Dynasty in Mahwah serves "generally average versions of Chinese-American dishes" (BL-18).
So why does she bother wasting our time with this lukewarm, 2-star review of a restaurant in far-off Mahwah?
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